[pmmail-list] Error 10061...Could not connect
John Swartzentruber
Wed, 25 Sep 2002 20:32:22 -0400
On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 00:33:06 +0100, Barry Wilkinson wrote:
>W2000 SP3
>PMMail 2.20.2657
>Zone Alarm 3.1.395
>Norton AV 2002
>I have been trying to decide what does not work with what! Why it should work for two weeks is beyond me. Unfortunately it does not consistently fail. I will watch this thread with
I see it with W2000 SP3, ZoneAlarm 3, and the latest PMMail. As you
said, it usually doesn't happen, then boom. I finally stopped running
Zone Alarm (I'm behind another firewall, so was only using ZA to
protect me from outgoing communication).
Does anyone see this that is not running ZoneAlarm version 3? Does
anyone see this who is not running Win2K with SP3?
It seems to be a ZoneAlarm problem, but I wonder whether it is related
to SP3.
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