[pmmail-list] virus kills pmmail
Bruce Francis
Mon, 11 Aug 2003 14:50:16 -0400 (EDT)
On Mon, 11 Aug 2003 10:10:36 +0100 (BST), Dave Saville wrote:
>I am using pmmail2.10.2010 OS/2 version. I also use Norman AV. Today
>I got sent a, spam with a worm in it. NAV caught the worm but pmmail
>Every time I restart pmmail it refetches the offending mail and
>crashes. I can't open the message to see what the mail is.
>PMmail should handle this more gracefully - or is it a problem with
It's a long-standing (was going to say "known", but as I think of it
I've never received any confirmation back from BSW from all the
complaints, attached messages that crash PMMail/2, etc, that I've
sent over the past 2 years about this problem) issue with PMMail/2.
I now have PMMail configured such that I can start it up in Remote
Control. I then make a pass thru and delete all the obvious spam.
Before, it would invariably crash several times/week. Now it's not so bad.
(The problem still exists, and I have some examples should BSW be
interested in fixing it.)
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