[pmmail-list] inputting string of addresses to PMMail from text
Dean Boulding
Wed, 24 Dec 2003 09:41:40 +0700
I recall doing this for a large list (a few hundred parents for a kids
soccer league). I exported an address from PMMail and put it into MS
Excel, to get a look at the format. I then pasted the addresses I needed
into Excel and fiddled with the format. As I recall, I just had three
columns with the email address in each (quick and dirty replacement for
name, alias and email address). Export and import into PMMail.
The address book export and import is awkward and a little unpredictable,
IME, but I am sure something like this worked.
On Wed, 24 Dec 2003 07:49:51 -0500, Dr. Jeffrey Race wrote:
|On Mon, 22 Dec 2003 21:05:16 +0100 (CET), Maurice Gu‚ron wrote:
|>Jeffrey, Can't you paste this ascii list of addresses (one per line) as
|>definition in a new group in the address book?
|Highlighting, right-clicking to cut, then paste, 150 times is a lot
|of work and leads to RSI. I'm looking for a way to do 150 at a time.
|Jeffrey Race
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Dean Boulding, Jennifer Crocker, and kids
Jakarta Indonesia
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