[pmmail-list] Feature request on ICSL Messages: Show account name
Norbert Schmidt
Fri, 07 Feb 2003 16:37:25 +0100
Hello Simon, hallo Lüko
>> I would suggest that the messages generated by the "Inform User"
>I'll second that - it'd be nice if we could do this in a flexible
>manner too, i.e to be able to specify some of the content
>of the message displayed, allowing ICSL variables to be used
and I'll third it. ;-)
Until this feature exists you can emulate it with a small script
(VBScript, JScript or Perl) by calling "WSCRIPT" in a "foreground
I don't know, how much work it would be to integrate "Windows Scripting
Host" features into PMMail. User hooks are nice but I would really like
to do some Scripting with a more direct interface to the internal works
of PMMail.
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