[pmmail-list] Grayed-Out Spell Check Function
Dean Boulding
Wed, 12 Feb 2003 21:32:29 -0800
On Wed, 12 Feb 2003 13:37:40 +0800, woodear@virgilio.it wrote:
Is there any way I can start PMMail2k so that it reads my mail folders in another
location without having to resort to specifying this location which is only provided
in the "Start in ... directory" fields of Windows shortcuts? Presently, I am limited
to having to navigate through a few layers of "proper" menus before arriving at the
program group from which I can then start PMMail. Perhaps the ability for the user to
choose the location of his mail folders can be set in PMMail itself? It would be very
nice to see this as a future
I have been thinking about this issue for a while, largely because of my computer at
home. I run XP because it allows my wife, each of my two kids and me to have separate
logon ids, and all can be logged on at the same time (a la Unix, but different from
other versions of Windows). This works very well for us, and I think will be the way
of the future.
Unfortunately, PM Mail doesn't handle it particularly well if two different users both
try to run the program -- windows don't get updated and if mail comes in, I need to
reindex the folders. I would love to see a version which would automagically:
- identify which accounts to open, perhaps based on RW permissions on the mail folders
(which could be sepcified as above, or some other way); and
- know whether it was already running, and synchronize windows updates, scheduled
fetches and database indexing.
I suspect this is a major programming effort, but I also think this is the way home
computing will be going, and any program which can solve these issues will have a
substantial competitive advantage.
FWIW, etc.
Dean Boulding, Jennifer Crocker, and kids
Jakarta Indonesia
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