[pmmail-list] Run-together lines.
Marc Lewis
23 Feb 2003 11:54:01 -0600
Hello All.
Two things:
The last Windows beta I downloaded a few months back had a
serious problem with removing all line breaks in outbound
messages. (When using an external editor.) Email to tech
support brought a reply that they would take a look at it and
get back to me. The fellow wanted to know which editor, etc.,
but nothing ever came of this. What has been done to address
that problem? I've stepped back to 2.20.2502 on my Windows
machine to eliminate the issue, but I'd like to get back into
the beta stream if it's been corrected.
Will there be any further development of the OS/2 version? I
use both OS/2 (at home) and Windows versions on a regular basis.
Getting the end-of-line problem with the Windows version would
be really nice.
Best regards,
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