[pmmail-list] popfile
Robert Dahlem
Fri, 03 Jan 2003 21:36:33 +0100
On Fri, 03 Jan 2003 11:20:43 +0100, Markus Baertschi wrote:
>[bayesian filtering ... requires manual intervention]
>for this reason I'd like to have the feature directly in the email
>client to reduce the amount of software I need to maintain and
>interact with for my email.
Come on! Popfile is being developed, PMMail is virtually not. So
please stop dreaming.
And for "the amount of software needed" to maintain popfile buckets:
you will need a browser. Not really an overkill, is it? Just press
Ctrl-V in any message, search for the last header line (will be "X-
POPFile-Link:") and click on the link offered ...
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