[pmmail-list] Backup Strategy was Digest (01/20/2003 09:01) (#2003-430)
John Bridges
Mon, 20 Jan 2003 21:40:22 -0800
On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 19:12:58 -0800 (PST), Steve Wendt wrote:
>I'm not sure Zip and Jaz belong in the "reliable" category. MO and CDR
>may not be quite so "long-term" if you believe the circulated stories.
I'm at 9 years and counting on some CDRs, they still read fine. I'm a lot
happier with those backups than the DAT tapes I have sitting in a drawer
backed up using assorted DOS and OS/2 backup applications that are either
long gone or would require a huge project to restore from. I suspect the same
will become true for the backups I made using the Win2000 backup application.
You cannot beat CDR as a standard medium that won't require special software
to read in 25 years. Keep that in mind when you choose a fileformat to
archive with. For instance I'm certain ACE will be long gone, but ZIP will
still be supported in some way.
As for if the $5 for 100 pack of 80min blanks from Staples will last more
than 4 or 5 years.... I wouldn't bet on it. But the gold stuff has the
advantage of being less likely to corrode.
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