[pmmail-list] New beta and memory leak in OS/2?
David Forrester
Wed, 04 Jun 2003 20:06:00 +1000 (AEST)
On Mon, 02 Jun 2003 06:53:50 -0500 (CDT), Robert Gammon wrote:
> I have eCS 1.1 up and running with PMMail/2 v2.20.2382.
>Unfortunately, something is broke, signatures no longer appear on
>my messages. Partitions got messed with in the 'upgrade' from
>Warp4, so I'm not certain whether PMMail or eCS is to blame for
>this. In any case, 2382 HAS to be the version I use, because my
>e-mail provider insists on SMTP authentication, and the other
>versions won't do that
>Robert Gammon
>Houston, TX manually typed sig
>Robert Gammon
>Houston, TX
Does this mean you typed your sig twice?
For what's worth, PMMail/2 V2.2.2382 is seems to be working perfectly
here after my eCS 1.1 install.
David Forrester
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