[pmmail-list] PMMail/2+4OS2+PGP2.62nul
Marc Lewis
18 Jun 2003 11:27:30 -0600
* Original message posted in: 4DOS.
* Crossposted in: PMMAIL, COMP-OS2-MISC.
Hello All.
<<Following up a message from Marc Lewis to All about PMMail/2+4OS2+PGP2.62nul
ML> I've been using my PMMail/2 successfully with PGP2.62 for a good
ML> while now. I decided to install my registered copy of 4OS2 as my
ML> principal command processor and -*poof*- no more PGP. PMMail/2
ML> doesn't even know its there, in spite of it being in the path. No
ML> security menus, no nothing...
ML> Has anyone else run into this? Did you find a work-around?
I have located the problem. The PGP environment variable
went missing from my config.sys. Once restored, PMMail/2+PGP are working to
gether just fine with 4OS2 specified as the principal command processor.
Best regards,
.. Useless Invention: Remote control for a Watchman.
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