[pmmail-list] PMMail .2717 hangs computer

Sorin Srbu pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Tue, 24 Jun 2003 15:01:30 +0200

On Tue, 24 Jun 2003 07:51:22 -0500, Hazen Woods wrote:

>I recently installed the v. 2.20.2717.  Since then notice two annoying
>things.  First when click on URL in the past would bring almost
>instantaneous response and effort to connect. Now, it can take up to 4
>or 5 seconds for this to occur.  Often now it is necessary to click on
>the URL a second or third time before any response.
>The second is really a serious problem and first began with the
>previous install which was probably v. 2.20.2581.   With greater and
>greater frequency
>PMMail will hang the system.  BY this I mean the only way to go forward
>is to hit the reboot button on the machine.  C-A-D does not work.  10 -
>15 minutes does not help.  Keyboard seems locked and mouse for sure is
>Now I hate to do this because of the tendency to shift blame, but this
>has also come on the heels of an ill-fated effort to load Norton
>SYstemWorks Pro 2003 on my system, which is Win2000 Pro.
>In trying to troubleshoot, one of my first questions is whether anyone
>else had problem with v. 2581 hanging the system and likewise with v.

Had it regularly act up like above before, but almost never after
installing PMM v2.20.2717.

I still see the problem more or less regularly though, mostly when
I get the newsletter from Toms Hardware Guide and click the links
to the articles. Otherwise almost never.

Four or five secnds isn't that big a deal. 8-) I've seen the delay
being up to 20-30 secs, but it more or less always opens the link
in IE as it should, despite the delay.

BTW, I run WinXP Pro English SP1 and all patches.



# Sorin Srbu, Systems Engineer		Web: http://www.farmfak.uu.se/organisk/
# Dept of Medicinal Chemistry,		Phone: +46 (0)18-4714482 >> 5 signals >> GSM
# Div of Org Pharm Chem,			Mobile Phone: +46 (0)701-718023
# BMC, Box 574, Uppsala University	Fax: +46 (0)18-4714474
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