[pmmail-list] One last try: Run-together lines.

Wendell Brown pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Fri, 21 Mar 2003 08:44:44 -0600

On 20 Mar 2003 23:54:58 -0600, Marc Lewis wrote:

>The problem I ran into is that even hard returns (CR/LF) were
>completely stripped out.

Well, I switched to "Use External Editor" and I can reproduce your
problem.  I also ran across an additional problem - if there is a
misspelled word in the returned doc, the spell check seems to locks

If you leave it set to "Use internal editor", "No Wrapping" and then
click "Alt-x" - it works like a champ.  Apparently, PMMail expects the
internal editor to be at least part of the equation.

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