[pmmail-list] Spam filtering - popfile et al
Paul Hodges
Sun, 23 Mar 2003 23:31:53 +0000
On Sat, 22 Mar 2003 09:58:26 +0000 (GMT), Dave Saville wrote:
> Some time back someone on this list said they were writing a baysian
> filter in rexx - what happened, will you share the code?
I gave up; Perl is so much better for this. I currently use a
version of Pitonyak's Perl spam filter (designed for PMMail), but
hope shortly to change to ASSP (http://assp.sourceforge.net) which is
an SMTP filter in Perl. I have a problem with it in OS/2 and Perl
5.8.0 which the Perl porter (Henry Sobotka) is kindly looking at for
Paul Hodges
QBS Software Ltd
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