[pmmail-list] The rat's leaving the ship...
Warner Young
Thu, 08 May 2003 15:34:55 -0700
On Thu, 08 May 2003 23:49:18 +0200, panamerica334@uni.de wrote:
>>In Europe, PMMail can't handle the Euro currency symbol at all
>for me it does perfectly! i set up in the main program preferences
>ISO 8859-1
>do not perform... NOT checked
>dunno if it's related to my settings or not
PMMail still doesn't handle any of the double-byte Asian languages
correctly, though, and that IS important to some of us. Right now,
only the Mozilla mailer seems to handle Chinese and Japanese correctly,
although the support people at The Bat! say that this feature is coming
in version 2.
Warner Young
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