[pmmail-list] The rat's leaving the ship...
Ralph Cohen
Thu, 08 May 2003 23:13:13 -0400
On Thu, 08 May 2003 21:39:25 +0700, Jeffrey Race wrote:
>This has been thrashed out on several lists I frequent, and the
>conclusion is always the same: since there is no RFC for html-formatted
>e-mail, and since html is not a page description language, there is no
>way to build an e-mail client natively rendering html in a message
>window. It is by definition an impossible task. The only possible
>workaround for those enamored of it is to pass the file (and
>the risk of trojans, viruses etc) to the browser of choice.
Hi Jeffrey,
There are plenty of email programs that do a more than adequate job of
rendering HTML messages and there's no reason PMMail couldn't as well.
There are also a myriad of ways one can protect against infestation by
trojans, vb scripts and viruses, etc. that are completely independent
of the email client. I consider PMMail's inability to adequately
render many HTML emails to be a significant shortcoming.
My company regularly makes purchases over the net and we solicit email
advertising from a number of the vendors we deal with. Most of their
mailings are HTML documents and many of them require that I copy and
view them in a different program in order to read them. Hardly
seamless. Hardly efficient. BSW has been promising improved HTML
rendering in PMMail for 4 years and therefore I believe they have long
recognized its value as well.
I have no desire to be able to send HTML emails but I do want to be
able to read the emails I receive with the least amount of
Ralph Cohen
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