[pmmail-list] Filter for Absence of "To" Header
Kenn Yuill
Wed, 26 Nov 2003 15:27:02 -0500 (EST)
Hello Sorin,
In reply to your message, sent to PMMail List. I wrote:
On 2003-11-26 at 08:38:35, Sorin Srbu stated:
>·On Tue, 25 Nov 2003 20:50:40 -0500 (EST), Kenn Yuill wrote:
>·>Does anyone had a filter to initiate an action based on the absence of
>·>the "To" header?
>·>The purpose of the filter was to move any returned receipts to a
>·>separate folder, rather than...
>·Just looked into this the other day. From the pmm help-file:
I didn't find this information in the Help for PMMail/2 and concluded
that it is in the one for PMMail 2000.
>·>How do I filter SPAM?
>·>Lately most SPAMmers have begun sending their junk mail as BCC (blind carbon copy). In this method of sending your name never appears in the TO:
>·> or CC: field of the message. This method of sending actually makes it quite easy to filter messages of this sort.
>·> ...
>·>The filter is a complex one and can be pasted into PMMail as is:
>·>!(header.to="$c.acctid$" | h.cc="$c.acctid$" | h.Resent-To="$c.acctid$" | h.Apparently-To="$c.acctid$")
So this filter is looking for the absence of the e-mail address
associated with the active account and if true, performs the chosen
action. I suppose that this filter is useful as a catchall, if placed
after the ones for mailing lists, etc. and just before the filter for
personal e-mail.
>·>Then check the INCOMING box and set the actions you wish to perform on the messages it catches.
Sorry, it is not what I need, but thanks for the suggestion. However,
the filter mentioned in my reply to Steve & Ronny, !h="To: ", coupled
with & b="Return Receipt", seems to do the job so far.
Always act as if life is a joyous journey. - Kenn Yuill
Warp 4/FP15 Java 1.18 PMMail/2 2.2 Demo. gLinks 2.1
Posted from The Beautiful Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada
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