[pmmail-list] Naive question
Utsav Ratti
Wed, 26 Nov 2003 17:05:04 -0500
On Wed, 26 Nov 2003 16:08:10 -0500, John Swartzentruber wrote:
> There's been no sign of anyone from BSW here for a long time. The odds
> of comments making any difference are pretty slim. It's pretty much
> only users here. If you have questions, this is probably the best
> place. Suggestions will likely not be processed. But you can always
> hope.
Given this rather sad state of affairs, it's been crossing my mind
more often recently that perhaps it is time to look at alternatives.
I love PMMail--have been using it since the first OS/2 version--and I
have custom scripts tied into it that rely on the address books being
in text format. This would probably be the most difficult piece to
migrate. I've only looked at Outlook Express so far, but it relies on
the Windows Address Book, which is stored in binary format, so that
is definitely not an option.
Has anyone else been actively evaluating alternatives to PMMail with
which they have been satisfied? If so, what were your evaluation
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