[pmmail-list] Ultra simple junk email filter
Dave Saville
Mon, 13 Oct 2003 08:57:53 +0100 (BST)
On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 16:09:48 -0400, Ralph Cohen wrote:
>I've been collecting the few emails that make it through new junk mail
>filter and once I have enough, I think I'll be able to add one or two
>additional conditions to the new simple junk filter to make it at least
>as effective and far more manageable and less processing intensive than
>my older main junk mail filter which I'll eventually disable.
Interesting idea - I just ran the following against my spam folder -
well over 1000.
grep ^^To: *.msg |grep -i "dave saville"
And got no hits. So far so good.
However, I then ran it down my trash folder, which does *not* contain
any spam and got about 50 out of again roughly 1000 messages.
So assuming legit mail got filtered earlier, then that's still a
possible 50 false positives.
Dave Saville
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