[pmmail-list] Help with filter creation

Carl Gehr pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Sun, 07 Sep 2003 16:21:48 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 07 Sep 2003 21:41:40 +0200 (CDT), Oliver Ebert wrote:

>Hi Rod, Maynard and James!
>>Oliver (& anybody listening) please take note of what Maynard says.
>Yes, Maynard is right and thats what I think. I know, that over 90 % of 
>the eMail adresses of spamers are not valid.
>But the author of killspam says in his homepage, that he reduces over 30 
>% of spams with this method, so I just thought, "why not trying it 
>myself"? :-)
>>You are essentially requesting "Send me more spam!"
>Why? Killspam produces a real "user not valid" message, doesn't it?
>Bye says Oliver

Unless it is spoofing the 'From' [i.e., YOU] address, the sender is
still confirmed as a live address to send more junk to...

Nope, I doubt the effectiveness of this.

My choice:  Use ISPs that filter at their server so I don't even see

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