[pmmail-list] SECOND REPLY Can't access PMMailW from browser - new problem
Hazen Woods
Thu, 18 Sep 2003 19:19:22 -0500
Before I posted my last message I checked the Internet Options again. Again it showed PMMail. I
repeated what I had done a couple of times before, but this time it took. Now the PMMail message
screen opens. I don't know anything I did differently, but since this worked I'll mention that this last
time I switched to another reader, hit OK then went back to PMMail.
On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 15:12:35 -0700, Marty Rimpau wrote:
>>Hi, Hazen, don't know about windows 2000, but in windows 98 se, under
>>internet options, in the programs tab, there should be a combo box and
>>in there, choose pm mail, and then press the ok button, and see if that
>>helps you. On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 14:58:23 -0500, Hazen Woods wrote:
>>>This relates to PMMail 2000 v. 2.20.2717 running on Win 2000 Pro, SP2.
>>>May be OT, but beginning yesterday I cannot send email from websites. Until then worked
perfectly. Now when I opt to
>>>contact someone via email from a website I get a popup screen requiring me to "Choose Profile.
The option is for
>>>"Microsoft Outlook Internet Profile". MS Outlook would be the last thing I would want to use for my
email. If don't accept I
>>>have to configure another. If I don't configure another or if I click on the MS Outlook option then get
error message: "The
>>>MAPI Spooler could not be started. Close and restart all mail enabled applications. MAPI 1.0
[000004C7]" So I close that
>>>window and get another that says "Mail Program unable to send email".
>>>What is going on??? I'm betting somebody out there knows what this means.
>>>If not and further is needed, the only recent changes that might have a bearing on the problem are
that I reinstalled PMMailW
>>>to the D: drive (NTFS) from another drive. I noticed the problem for the first time after that move. (I
made some changes in
>>>the Registry, but none that I would think would be the culprit. Anyway, at that point, Norton Firewall
refused to let PMMail, or
>>>IE or anything else access the new (although I was connected via dial-up) so I deleted and
reinstalled the firewall. That
>>>cured the connection problem, but did not cure the email from webpage problem.
>>> Oh, and I have already checked Registry to make sure
>>> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blueprint Software Works\PMMail -> Shell Directory
>>>key points to the location of stored messages. Used same INI file as used before the PMMail
move and also created a
>>>new INI file inputting the registration code, etc.
>>>Please someone point me to a solution. TIA
>>>Hazen Woods
>>>Austin, TX USA
>>>eCS and Win2k Pro
>>>what a combination
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Hazen Woods
Austin, TX USA
eCS and Win2k Pro
what a combination
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