[pmmail-list] PMMail dies on me (was Feature Request)
Wayne Dunham
Sun, 21 Sep 2003 20:08:48 -0400
On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 20:26:45 +0200, David McNaughtan wrote:
>thanks for your reply, and sorry I didn't get the subject change
>going for my last message. I do indeed use the preview pane, but
>turning it off doesn't make any difference whatever.
>I could understand the problems better if they were confined to one
>version of thew programme or one computer, but that is not the case -
>I have had at least 3 different email machines in the time I have
>been using PM Mail, and the bugs have been on every one of them. I
>use the internal editor, so no joy there either.
>There are a fair number of startup programmes running on this
>machine, so it would be a fair amount of work to try stopping them in
>turn. I have difficulty seeing where they would come in on the
>deletion bug, however.
>The mystery remains...
Could you possibly forward one of the offending messages with the
"bad" url in them to me? That way I can see what if anything is
happening on my machine with those messages.
As I said, I've had many messages with URL's so messed up that the
browser can't find the website (i.e. AOL people who "think" they're
sending a URL when in fact they're sending AOL's bastard version of a
On trying to delete a message from the remote control you are hitting
the transfer button after you mark the message for deletion in the
remote control screen right? In your original message you said
something about hitting the delete key after marking the message for
deletion with CTRL-D but not hitting the transfer button CTRL-L which
is what actually deletes the message on the server.
The only other thing I can think that might make a difference is what
are your setting on the Receive and Send Tabs of the Account
properties? These might be different from ISP to ISP depending on what
they require for signing on and accessing your account. I doubt that
if it works with a regular fetch it would stop working with remote
control but there are others here far more knowledgable about the inner
workings of Email and PmMail in particular.
For reference here's what my settings are: I'm assuming you're using
POP for receive and SMTP for Sending. I'm also only noting the
settings which *I* think might have some bearing on our discussion.
(again there are far smarter people on this subject here than I)
Receive Tab
Authenticate using Password set
Quick Interrogation checked
Leave messages on server Unchecked
Send Tab
SMTP set
Server requires Authentication Unchecked
I do have the Authentication information in there but according to
the Help file that only gets used if you are using SMTP and have the
Server requires Authentication checked or are using POP and have it set
for Password Authentication.
I hope this helps, but it doesn't sound like it will. I would be
interested in seeing one of those "bad" URL's.
Wayne Dunham
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