[pmmail-list] Reading Word Attachments with SmartSuite
Maurice Guéron
Tue, 30 Sep 2003 21:18:30 +0200 (CEST)
Hi Phil,
In my hands, it works. Go to the Mime page in the Settings notebook.
In the two Mime type places I put "text" and "no" (no quotes). In the argument
place, I put "-f %s" (no quotes). Someone told me that. I did not find a
description of Command line parameters in the Smartsuite Help...
On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 10:39:22 -0700 (PDT), Phil Kane wrote:
| I am a long-time user of the OS/2 version of PMMail (PMMail/2).
| I have no problem opening and reading text, PDF, and JPG attachments.
| Occasionally, some benighted soul will send me a Word attachment
| (.DOC suffix), which the program will not open even though I have
| the MIME Settings set to call d:\SMARTSUITE\WORDPRO\WORDPRO.EXE %s
| (where %s ix the file name). This is the command that will bring up
| the program and open the file from an OS/2 command-line window and
| is exactly parallel to the entries which successfully open PDF and
| JPG files.
| The work-around is that I have to save the attached file as a .DOC
| file in some TEMP directory. call up WordPro from the desktop, and
| then open the file within same.
| Has anyone been successful in setting PMMail/2 to open such Word
| .DOC attachments with SmartSuite WordPro within PMMail/2?
| Phil Kane
| From a Clearing in the Silicon Forest
| Beaverton (Washington County) Oregon
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Maurice GUERON, BIOP/PMC, Ecole polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France
phone: (33/0) 169 334 174 fax: (33/0) 169 333 004
e-mail: mg@pmc.polytechnique.fr
In case of problems only, use : gueron@idf.ext.jussieu.fr
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