[pmmail-list] Filtering question
Sorin Srbu
Thu, 02 Dec 2004 09:00:42 +0100
On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 11:54:38 -0500, Steve Marvin wrote:
>>>>>Try this:
>>>>>h.From="@tiscali.no" |
>>>>>h.From="@yahoo.com" |
>>>>Aren't the above and below interchangable? Well, anyway, I'll try
>>>>your thing.
>>>Just FYI:
>>> h.from contains "Name" <emailname@server.tld>
>>> and h.fromID contains just <emailname@server.tld>
>>Umm... I don't see your point? Do you mean I *should* use the
>>h.fromid beacuse otherwise I'll get the full name, instead of a
>>partial name/id?
>There was no point, that was just *information* for you
>on what is contained in the fields.
> I only use 'h.fromID' in matches against address book entries.
> For example: h.fromid="$ag.bot-group$
>All my other filters using from use the h.from or just the 'h'.
>Also for info, the string comparisons are not exact
>unless you specify them to be so. So h.from="thisname" should
>return a match if 'thisname' is anywhere in the h.from field
>(the name portion or the email address portion regardless).
Ah, great! This was the answer I wanted. Thx for the info!
> Sorin Srbu, Systems Engineer Web: http://www.farmfak.uu.se/organisk/
> Dept of Medicinal Chemistry, Phone: +46 (0)18-4714482 >> 3 signals >> GSM
> Div of Org Pharm Chem, Mobile Phone: +46 (0)701-718023
> Box 574, Uppsala University, Fax: +46 (0)18-4714474
> SE-751 23 Uppsala, Sweden Visit: BMC, Husargatan 3, D5:512b
> Public PGP key available on request.
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