[pmmail-list] when will pmmail support IDNs ?
Per Jessen
Tue, 10 Feb 2004 09:02:37 +0100
On Mon, 09 Feb 2004 13:59:31 -0800, Tim Roberts wrote:
>Per Jessen wrote:
>>What are the plans for IDN (international domain name) support in
>>Pmmail ?
>Reality check: there haven't been any significant new features added to
>PMMail in five years, and there is some doubt amongst those in the
>newsgroups that there are still any engineers working on the product.
Yeah, same here. Although I did talk to someone at blueprint a while back -
last year some time, I think it was.
best regards,
Per Jessen, per@computer.org
http://timian.jessen.ch - an analog report-formatter using XSLT
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