[pmmail-list] Leaving PMMail for Thunderbird
John Swartzentruber
Thu, 08 Jan 2004 17:16:05 -0500
Tim Roberts wrote:
> Well, folks, after a 5-year run with PMMail, I find that I can no
> longer put up with the inferior (and unchanging) support for valid
> MIME structures and reasonably formatted e-mail. I'm switching today
> to Thunderbird. Even though it is only at version 0.4, it is already
> a winner, as far as I can tell. My only complains are with
> performance, and that will only improve as time goes on. Plus, it is
> available in source form, so I can fix the things that drive me nuts!
I'm in the process of switching over. One of my complaints (in addition
to performance) is that it looks like the accounts are ordered according
to the order they are created. Has anyone figured out a way to re-order
the accounts? I've got a hunch I could do it by editing the prefs.js
file, but that looks like a bad idea and wouldn't be trivial. It seems
there has to be a better way, but I can't find it.
I've got all of my messages converted, but I still need to work on the
address book. The Python script you (Tim) posted crashes for some reason
after only a handful or so of entries.
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