[pmmail-list] Leaving PMMail for Thunderbird
John Swartzentruber
Thu, 08 Jan 2004 20:59:54 -0500
Leon D. Zetekoff, NCE wrote:
> How'd you convert them over? What is this Python you are talking
> about? Another thing I'd like to see with Thunderbird is if I swipe an
> area in the message and then click on REPLY that it just quote what I
> swiped....
Yes, you're right. I am just starting to use Thunderbird for replying
and that is very annoying. I suppose it won't be long until I try to
build it myself so I can fix these problems.
I converted them using a C++ program I wrote. It is Q&D and has no
guarantees. You just give it your PMMail directory and a destination
directory. It creates mailboxes and folders using the PMMail names. You
can then copy these to the Thunderbird "Local Files", or if you are
using POP you can copy then directly to that location.
I put the program on my webserver. I have a fairly slow connection, so
if it gets bogged down, I might remove it. I promise that the program
worked for me and that I don't have anything malicious in it. I include
the source except for one function that I borrowed from my work code.
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