[pmmail-list] PMMail and The Bat!
Tim Roberts
Tue, 20 Jan 2004 11:47:14 -0800
Ralph Cohen wrote:
>On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 12:21:08 -0500, KTS wrote:
>>Yes. It converts fine. Note that your message files will be huge,
>>single files that corrupt easily.
>Have you actually had a problem with the file corrupting in Bat!? If
>so, was everything lost or is there some kind of recovery mechanism?
No, KTS is just rabidly against any e-mail program that puts more than
one message into a single file.
In many cases, he is right, but you have to balance the philosophy
against the real risk. Outlook, for example, uses the worst possible
scheme: the messages are hidden inside a single file with a proprietary
and non-human-readable format, so if there is a problem, you are just
screwed. Further, Outlook is known to have corruption problems when the
file size gets large (1-2GB). That's an extremely high risk solution.
Many other programs use the Unix scheme, where all of the messages in a
folder are stored together in a plain-text, human-readable file. The
risk here is much lower, because I can fix whatever problems might occur
just by using *vim*, common sense, and simple copies for backup.
Eudora, Pegasus, The Bat, and Thunderbird all use this approach, as does
IMAP, for that matter. Documented instances of corruption are very
rare. The real risk is quite small.
- Tim Roberts, timr@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.
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