[pmmail-list] question regarding remote function in pm mail
Warner Young
Fri, 30 Jan 2004 17:11:54 -0800
Even if you could set up a way to bounce the messages, it may be better not to. Most of the time, the "From" addresses are falsified anyway. All you'd end up doing is bouncing the virus toward some unsuspecting person, who may then think that YOU are sending them viruses.
Friday, January 30, 2004, 3:12:12 PM, Marty Rimpau wrote:
M> Hi all, with these latest virus outbreaks going around, I have taken to
M> examining my messages on the server before I download mail, and I'm
M> wondering if there's a way to set up a condition, if one does not exist
M> in pm mail, where you can bounce messages back to the sender before
M> they're downloaded if a subject, or person isn't recognized? I found
M> several virus messages on the server before I downloaded the mail this
M> morning, and was just wondering if either a condition can be created,
M> or this feature can be added to bounce the junk mail back to the
M> sender, so that eventually, you won't get anymore mail from that
M> address? Thanks, and I've just started playing with remote on pm mail
M> version 2717.
M> Marty
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