[pmmail-list] Firefox and PMMail
Mon, 19 Jul 2004 15:51:13 +0200 (CEST)
|On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 10:24:04 +0200 (CEST), mg wrote:
|>I'm not sure this is what you want, but the attached text file explains a procedure for Pmmail integration into Mozilla.
Here it is:
PMmail integration in Mozilla
Updated 01.07.2002
Version 1.10
Script to use Pmmail instead of the built-in Mozilla mailer.
- Unzip the package.
- Copy Pmmail.cmd, Rexxweb.dll and RexxUni.dll to a place of your choice.
- Change line 18, 22 and 26 in Pmmail.cmd to your needs. See the doku inside
the script for details.
- Exit Mozilla, if it is running.
- Please add/change the following three lines in the Mozilla prefs.js file. See
the FAQ if you have more prefs.js. You have to change "H:\\temp\\pmmail.cmd"
with your path to pmmail.cmd
user_pref("applications.mailto", "H:\\temp\\pmmail.cmd");
user_pref("applications.mailto.parameters", "\"%url%\"");
user_pref("network.protocol-handler.external.mailto", true);
Be sure to use one of the more recent versions of PMmail.
I have had success only with version 2.20.2370, 2.20.2381 and 2.20.2382
You can download PMmail from http://www.pmmail2000.com
Thats all, from now on Pmmail should open a new message window when you click
on an email link in Mozilla.
I have edited the prefs.js file with the e.exe editor. On startup Mozilla tells
me now that it found an illegal character in the prefs.js file.
The e.exe editor adds an EOF (End of file) character to the end of all files it
saves. Mozilla doesn't like this character. Please use an other editor to edit
prefs.js. If you choose EPM you have to cut and paste prefs.js into a new one
and save it as prefs.js since EPM can't delete the EOF character.
When Pmmail is already running and I click on a Mailto: link in Mozilla Pmmail
opens the new message window not in the account I have set up in pmmail.cmd but
the current selected account.
I know about this problem, unfortunately I have no solution for that. You can first
select the right account in Pmmail then click on the link in Mozilla.
I have the Pmmail emails stored on an other drive. When I use your script
Pmmail can't find the emails.
You need to made some changes.
- Open the os2.ini (User Ini) file with an Ini-Editor and change the "PMMail/2"
"InstallRoot" entry to the directory where the emails are stored.
- Copy the Pmmail.ini file to the email directory.
I have two accounts in Mozilla, one for me and one for my wife, the same in PMMail.
Is it possible that when I use Mozilla my account in PMMail is opened, and when my
wife use Mozilla her?
Yes. You need to have two pmmail.cmd files with different names. Lets say we have
pmmailMe.cmd and pmmailWife.cmd. PmmailMe.cmd uses your Pmmail account name and
PmmailWife.cmd uses the account name for your wife, this is line 17 in the script.
Every account in Mozilla has its own prefrs.js file. In the prefs.js from your account
user_pref("applications.mailto", "H:\\temp\\pmmail.cmd");
line must point to pmmailMe.cmd. The prefs.js from your wife must point to pmmailWife.cmd.
This can also be done with more accounts.
I don't use Pmmail is it possible to change the script so that it work with MR2/Ice,
polarbar mail or [insert your favorite mailer here].
MR2/Ice: Yes, see http://www.opweb.de for a download.
Polarbar mail: No, at least as far as I know. If you know how to invoke polarbar from
the command line to open a new mesage, please tell me.
Other: I haven't tested any other mailer. To get it work with my script the mail
program must accept an email address on the command line to open a new message.
Ah shit, your program won't work. Why the hrell there are nosetup or install programs?
I use Windows ...
This package is for the IBM OS/2 Warp or eCommStation Operation System. It won't run on
Windows. Add following line to prefs.js
user_pref("network.protocol-handler.external.mailto", true);
And set up your prefered email program as default in windows.
Oliver Poggensee
REXX CGI Script Function Library for OS/2 Warp and eComStation.
Version 1.0 © June 2002 by Igor Pool
RexxUni ver.2.0 (c) 2001,02 by Max Alekseyev
Maurice Guéron, BIOP/PMC, Ecole polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France
phone: 33/0:169 334 174; fax: 33/0:169 333 004
e-mail: mg@pmc.polytechnique.fr
In case of problems only, use: gueron@idf.ext.jussieu.fr
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