[pmmail-list] Exporting fromm PMM to Outlook?
Sorin Srbu
Wed, 9 Mar 2005 13:01:53 +0100
How did you import that unix mailbox to Eudora BTW? In my Eudora =
v6.2.1.2 I have only three choices to import, OL, OL Express and =
Netscape Messenger.
Could you elaborate a bit on the procedure pls?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lists@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
> [mailto:lists@blueprintsoftwareworks.com]On Behalf Of John Bridges
> Sent: den 9 mars 2005 01:36
> To: pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
> Subject: [pmmail-list] Exporting fromm PMM to Outlook?
> On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 04:56:28 -0800, Don Buska wrote:
> >I too would be interested in such a conversion. I have=20
> many-many years
> >worth of PM Mail I'd love to convert over. I still use=20
> PMMAIL for my
> >private accounts on both OS/2 and W2K. Like Sorin we=20
> have recently started
> >migrating the servers here at work to WIN2003 Servers. =20
> No NetBeui on these
> >babies and since OS/2 has lagged so far behind in the=20
> networking arena I
> >will no longer be able to use it here at work much,=20
> except for standalone
> >and general internet stuff.
> I gave a copy of all my past archives for a mailing list=20
> to a friend.
> Here are the steps he used to take PMMail messages and=20
> import them into
> Outlook:
> After looking at a few message headers, I saw that your=20
> msgs were posted by
> PMMail, so I grabbed a copy; looked at PMMail's forum;=20
> grabbed The BAT!;
> imported; exported to UNIX mailbox; grabbed Eudora;=20
> imported; ran Outlook
> Express; imported from Eudora; exported to Outlook; ran=20
> Access; imported from
> Outlook.... whew! But, I now have 15,537 messages in an=20
> Access database.
> Here was his command line for using "The Bat!"
> thebat.exe
> =
> You have to use the command line with "The Bat!", if you=20
> use the import
> dialog, it cannot handle a large number of messages.
> Sorin Srbu, Systems Engineer Web: http://www.farmfak.uu.se/organisk/
> Dept of Medicinal Chemistry, Phone: +46 (0)18-4714482 >> 3 signals >> =
> Div of Org Pharm Chem, Mobile Phone: +46 (0)701-718023
> Box 574, Uppsala University, Fax: +46 (0)18-4714474
> SE-751 23 Uppsala, Sweden Visit: BMC, Husargatan 3, D5:512b
> Public PGP key available on request.
> () ASCII ribbon campaign - Against html E-mail=20
> /\
> Harmless tagline follows:
> BOFH excuse follows: Data for intranet got routed through the extranet =
and landed on the internet.