[pmmail-list] old messages
Maurice Guéron
mg at pmc.polytechnique.fr
Sun Apr 16 22:23:21 MEST 2006
Hello Roberto,
Here are some notes I took (and kept) a few years ago.
ARCHIVING (Mar. 2003)
Have a PMM archiving account. Move folder directories to it. For instance when
they become larger than 1 MB. The directory of the archive account can be
zipped and copied to a ZIP disk (or to some other device!)
1. For instance, suppose the "frederic" PMM folder corresponds to a directory named fredO.FLD.
1.1. Make a new PMMfolder called fred1 for future messages. PMMAIL will generate a directory which includes that name if it is no more than SIX characters:for instance fred1x0.FLD. So the name of the directory reflects the "name of the folder", which can now be changed, for instance to Frédéric_2. This will be useful when one wants to recognize the directory corresponding to this folder.
Note that it seems that one can rename directories as long as they follow the
6char.fld format (and probably also for accounts, with the 6char.act format).
1.2. One can now move (GRAFT if you use ZTB!) the fred0.FLD directory to the
archiving directory. Just like for the PMM folders, the name of the directory (PUBLIC0.ACT) differs from the "name of the PMM account": ARCHIVE. It seems a good idea to close PMMAIL before doing this operation on the directories.
1.3. Do the same for the other folders to be archived.
2. One can also archive the INBOX and SENT folders. The method is slightly different. Rename the directory and the folder, for instance to INBOX1.FLD (follow the six character rule) and Inbox_1 respectively. Do not create a new folder. PMMAIL will do it. Graft the directory.
3. For your Trash folder: there is a fast way to empty it. Click RMB on it and "empty trash".
On Sun, 16 Apr 2006 16:53:11 -0300, Roberto Lehmann wrote:
]I'm a long-time user of PMMail, but until recently had never registered to the usergroup. Now I have a question on how to archive mail folders (something like an
]export to a plain file, which could then be compressed and eventually restored back into PMMail - and I was hoping old usergroup discussions might clarify how
]to deal with this kind of problem. Is there a way to browse the old pmmail-list messages? More to the point, where can I find information on handling large mail
]folders - exporting them and reimporting them, or otherwise manipulate them?
]Thanks for any hints, regards
]Roberto Lehmann
]Rio de Janeiro
]roberto.lehmann at pobox.com
Maurice GUERON, PMC,
Ecole polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France
phone: (33/0) 169 334 174 fax: (33/0) 169 333 004
e-mail: mg at pmc.polytechnique.fr
In case of problems only, use : gueron at idf.ext.jussieu.fr
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