Changing the font on Message Printout ??

Christopher McRae PMMAIL Discussion List <PMMAIL-L@VM.EGE.EDU.TR>
Fri, 9 Apr 1999 16:14:09 +1000

Hi all,

I surrender, I've searched high and low for a method to change the font
(or even the fontsize) used when a message is printed and come up dry. Is
there a way to do this or is it fixed at what looks like 12 point


  -- Chris

Dr Christopher McRae   _--_|\   Internet:
Dept. of Chemistry    /      \  Voice:     +61-2-9850-8288
Macquarie University  \_.--._*  FAX:       +61-2-9850-8313
Sydney  NSW  2109           v

The box said "Requires Windows95 or better.", so I use OS/2 :-)