/2 bitmaps?

Atomic Frog pmmail@rpglink.com
Wed, 08 Dec 1999 23:14:11 -0800 (PST)

This went on the list a while back, but maybe some of you missed it.

Go to the Help, search on "Icons" and select "Customizing folder
Basically you create the directory as documented (they don't exist by
default) and drop in your own icons with special names.
Icons must be in a certain size format, and you can probably use Icon
Editor that comes with OS/2 to create your own. (Or, I prefer PMView).

Yes, I am getting sick of the guy with the green hat. In certain
cultures, a guy with a green hat has bad connotations...


On Wed, 8 Dec 1999 18:36:25 -0800 (PST), John M Price, PhD wrote:

>On Wed, 8 Dec 1999, Ray wrote:
>> Come now, surely since we've rediscovered the customizeable bitmap
>> feature in PMMail/2, some of y'all have created some nice
>We have?  Where is it?
>> replacements for the folders and account images!?  How about
>> uploading'em (to Hobbes?  with /pub/os2/apps/internet/mail/reader/pmm
>> as suggested directory?)
>> I kind of scraped a few together, but they suck!
>John M. Price, PhD                                     jmprice@calweb.com
>Life: Chemistry, but with feeling!      |      PGP Key on request or FTP!
>Comoderator: sci.psychology.psychotherapy.moderated          Atheist# 683