Wish List Another Beginning

Darin McBride pmmail@rpglink.com
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 08:19:00 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 15 Dec 1999 20:38:30 -0800 (PST), Steve Wendt wrote:

>>11.  PMMail seems to DL all messages before deleting them from the server.  
>>Have this changed to where it downloads a few then deletes them.  Then 
>>downloads more 
>Yes, this has been a problem for me... if I'm away for a day, then download my 
>mail, it is very annoying to get 299 out of 300 messages, have my ISP hang up on 
>me for some reason, then have to download 300 messages again.  :(

Given the format of SMTP commands, this should be done as "download 1,
delete 1 ... download 2, delete 2 ..."  Not even "a few" but as it
downloads them - immediately after that, delete them.  (They are simply
*marked* for deletion until the connection is severed)

However, here's one: using the spell checker changes the position of
the cursor back to the beginning of the message - it probably should be
exactly where you left it.