formating and addresses

Ken Diehl
Thu, 01 Jul 1999 09:38:03 -0400

I have two question I'd appreciate help on:

1. Has anyone had trouble with email addresses with underbars being spit back at them?  Causes?

2. I sent a note to the os2-l list and got the following in a reply:

"PS, this time I liked the way my mailer staightened out the mess that
arrived here in your post."

When I asked for more specifics I got:

"Your mail arived here with one long line, one short line, one long line, one short line, etc.  My mailer 
straightened it out with paragraphs."

Does this note look like that??  Do I have some sort of weird formating on that would cause this?  I am using 
WYSIWYG wrapping.  Is this bad?  I'd hate to be sending out junk.

Ken Diehl, PhD, PE
Director of Engineering Programs
211 Deloach Hall
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
601 South College Road
Wilmington, NC 28403
Voice:  (910) 962-4079
FAX:    (910) 962-4193