PGP 5.0

Heinz Mueller
Mon, 07 Jun 1999 11:26:20 +0100 (MEZ)

On Sun, 06 Jun 1999 21:22:14 -0600 (MDT), Ralph Sanford wrote:

>On Sun, 06 Jun 1999 13:04:30 +0100 (MEZ), Heinz Mueller wrote:
>>can anybody tell me, how I get PGP 5.0 running with PMMail.
>>PMMail recognises, that PGP is installed, but does not work with ist.
>>I suspect, that version 5.0 has commandline - options, that are
>>This is my firsttime pgp - use.
>Can you use PGP as a standalone product, using command line can you
>encrypt and sign messages?
>You say that PMMail recognizes PGP but does not work with it.  What
>exactly do you mean by PMMail recognizes PGP?  When you say it does not
>work, what are you trying to do and what error message do you get?
>BTW PMMail/2 works well with PGP 5.0, in fact I switched from MR/2 ICE to
>PMMail because of how PMMail works with PGP 5.0.

Well, as usual the Problem sat before the keyboard :-( I goofed when
entereing the Userid. Did not use "User Name <userid@your.yomain.tlq>"
so PMMail and PGP couldn't match.

Well we call it a ManualNotReadError :-)


Heinz Mueller.
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PGP Public Key Fingerprint= 7D73 EA2C 3CA4 9BBE 2120  C5F2 B9F7 6C4A 98ED D85C