Proper threading?
Tue, 08 Jun 1999 10:39:44 +0200


In <>, on 06/08/99 at
01:22 AM,
   "Doug McKibbin" <> said:

>PMMail/2 (and PMINews) both do not thread 100% correctly.  Too often, a
>reply to a  message from, let's say Europe, is placed in the thread
>before the original.  Is there  a way to properly thread them so it is
>sorted "real time", as if it's a face-to-face  discussion?  Is the
>notorious TZ problem?

This is one of the annoyances that has given me reason to remain with
MR/2ice for OS/2. I was surprised to find that the same problems plagues
the Windows version as well. In a related question, is there some way to
set PM Mail folders to not always put old high-priority flagged mails
(with a red-dot marker) at the top of the list. The only way I can solve
the problem is to delete the mails with the priority flag set. 



        Bruce Boschek - Institute of Medical Virology
        Justus-Liebig-University - Giessen, Germany
         New Telephone Number: x49-641-99-41245
            Brought to you through IBM OS/2 Warp 4 
                       and MR/2 ICE (Reg. #19501)