Fwd: Reducing disk usage?

Lance Hegamin PMMAIL Discussion List <PMMAIL-L@VM.EGE.EDU.TR>
Wed, 10 Mar 1999 06:02:51 -0800

This is completely uncalled for.  Why do you feel the need for personal
attacks?  Lacking self esteem, perhaps?  Or do you have other problems?

    I know because I know of the problems in Windows which, when a
system is
>in constant use, REQUIRES someone to reboot about once a week.  I put my
>machines through heavy use and I need to reboot every 2-3 days or my
>machines are no longer functional.  And it is all SOFTWARE related, not
>hardware, as I've seen the exact same systems across 6 systems (minimum)
>with 6 different sets of hardware.
>>I consider that a personal attack, BTW.
>    Consider it what you will, when you tell the truth and I call you a liar
>then it will be a personal attack.  Until then, I'm just catching you in a
>bold-faced lie and utter bullshitting.


>    So be it.  Now, before speaking up again, educate yourself beyond the FUD.

You should consider doing the same.

L G Hegamin