problem was: (null)

Robb Selby PMMAIL Discussion List <PMMAIL-L@VM.EGE.EDU.TR>
Tue, 4 May 1999 12:32:51 -0500

On Mon, 3 May 1999 22:24:26 -0700, Kris Sorem Sr wrote:

>This is why I stated in a prior message to delete the folder's index
>(folder.bag) file and reindex. PMMail reindexing with an existing index
>file does not update entries that remain valid for that folder (ie the
>serialized file name is still in the folder). Under these conditions,
>PMMail only deletes entries for files no longer present or adds entries
>for files added outside of PMMail. If you delete the index file, you force
>PMMail to rebuild the index file and the updated subject should then be
>included in the index file.

Then the following Rexx Script should edit the file AND delete the Bag
file, just leaving the reindexing.  But, it still does not work.  For
some reason I still end up with the (null) subject, and I've double
checked that the BAG file is really erased.

/* MsgEdit.cmd
   Edit email message using System Editor.
   Written by:  Kris Sorem, Sr

   Added to by Robb Selby.
/* Load Rexx Functions */
Call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs','RexxUtil','SysLoadFuncs'
Call SysLoadFuncs
/* Get command line parameters */
parse arg Fname
/* Get current directory of Message file */
Curdir=FILESPEC(path, Fname)
/* Create path and filename of Folder.bag */
/* Delete Bagfile */
/* Edit message with EPM */
'epm.exe' Fname

Results the same, the subject does not get changed.  I'm baffled.
All great ideas have been controversial, at one time.
Robb Selby              \\\\\\\                Oooo ( o o )           oooO(    )
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