trahing loop

Jim Nuytens
Fri, 08 Oct 1999 12:27:40 -0400

Just so happens that I'm running the same combination and I've never
seen that kind of behaviour.

Also running Warp 4 at FP11 and 128 RAM.

On Fri, 08 Oct 1999 13:02:14 +0200, Lars Hofstad wrote:

>Just a question to the users of pmmail (os/2 version)
>Have anyone noticed an odd behaviour when opening an unread message in the inbox under the 
>following circumstances:
>-inbox is full of read messages + 1 new
>-the cpu is operating at 100% (running seti@home)
>In my case the program went into a fast trashing loop, trashing all messages in the inbox.
>Next when I tried to read a message in the trash folder, the same thing happened there, 
>completely erasing a lot of messages before I was able to close pmmail.
>Closing seti@home and restarting pmmail caused no more problems, but then my unread message 
>was gone.
>This is the second time I experience this in about a year.
>System is running warp4 with fp11, plenty of RAM and diskspace.