Money Talks?

Wilson Rook
Mon, 18 Oct 1999 01:51:44 -0400

I can see where in this case you did not get what you paid for.

However, there are other cases where you are getting support.  Netscape is not free -
paid for it (on OS/2).   In the past two years OS/2 has received a number of fixpaks -
some of
which provided enhancements.

I have received value out of Software choice.  I am using TCPIP 4.1 and Netscape 4.61.
I can also
upgrade (downgrade) my OS/2 Lic to Workspace on Demand.  (this option I have not used.)

IBM and other companies need to make money for the services that they provide.  When a
developer released a product, they have expectations on the volumes of sales.  If the
sales are not reached, they will no longer provide that software.  At this point we
have two choices -  We can hold
a hard line and demand that the company provides services at a loss or we can find some
way to
help make it profitable for the software provider.

I would prefer that IBM could sell 25 Million copies of OS/2 and drop the price.  I am
to pay the higher cost os OS/2 for the benefits that it provides.  My other choice is
to pay MS $100 and
inquire $1000 of efficiency loss.

I am not saying that you are in anyway wrong about being dissatisfied about some
services you received.  I am saying that we need to consider increasing our investment
in the products that we
wish to have.  Purchasing Software Choice is one way to to do this.

Wilson Rook

Hazen Woods wrote:

> On Sun, 17 Oct 1999 22:40:12 -0400, Wilson Rook wrote:
> >>Symantec is providing the updates.  What web browser are you using?  Netscape?
> >>Yes you do have a bit of a point.  You may not have gotten anything for your $350
> >>but you got Netscape and fixpacks for nothing.
> >>
> >>Hazen Woods wrote:
> >>
> >>> Ralph,
> >>>
> >>> I have read bits and pieces of the mail on this subject.  Someone early on
> >>> suggested that this campaign was sort of like subscribing to Software Choice.
> >>>  Well I hope not.  I subscribed and paid $200 plus in hopes of a new OS.   I
> >>> have never gotten anything for that "contribution".  Even before that I
> >>> subscribed to two years worth of IBM AntiVIrus.  At that time IBM was issuing
> >>> updated revisions roughly every three months (not just the new signatures
> >>> that are being  issued. So I paid $125 plus and guess what?  IBM sold out to
> >>> Symantec.  So up til now its close to $350 with nothing to show for it.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I think the PMMail update should have been brought out by now.  But be that
> >>> as it may, please put me down for a $40 pledge and we'll see what happens
> Wilson, what's your point?
> And besides that, Symantec is NOT providing updates.  Symantec and I are in
> dispute because IBM moved its Software Choice personnel from Austin to Denver
> and then again.  During that time they lost and then found my subscription 3
> times.    What's more, as I understand it, Symantec runs  can not be
> scheduled. as could IBMAV.
> To be precise I got absolutely nothing for the $350 or so.  Netscape has
> always been free and was not part of either the IBMAV subscription nor of the
> Software Choice subscription.   The same can be said for fixpacks.
> Finally note that I pledged $40 for PMMail/2 v. 2.1 (although so far I have
> not found anything new)  Also note that I never put BoB or Ikon or Tom
> Bradford
>  in the same category as IBM, nor would I.  I happen to believe that
> Thomas is a great successor to BoB and Ikon.
> Again, what's your point?
> Regards,
> Hazen Woods
> Austin, TX
> Sent to you at Warp 4 speed (FP11)
> via PMMail/2 v. 2.10.1999