Money Talks?

Hazen Woods
Mon, 18 Oct 1999 20:06:25 -0500 (CDT)

On Mon, 18 Oct 1999 01:51:44 -0400, Wilson Rook wrote:

>>I am not saying that you are in anyway wrong about being dissatisfied about some
>>services you received.  I am saying that we need to consider increasing our investment
>>in the products that we
>>wish to have.  Purchasing Software Choice is one way to to do this.

I have no problem paying more for OS/2 products if I get something for it. I
had no problem pledging $40 for this update of PMMail.  I would have been
disappointed that so little was changed, but I got something.   I have not
problem paying money to IBM if I get something in return.  I paid them $350
based upon the implication there would be an update of Warp 4.  There will
not be one.  I paid for IBMAV and got nothing.    I sorry, but I don't see
how that can be of any benefit to me  If I am going to be charitable I'll
pick more deserving recipients.


Hazen Woods
Austin, TX
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via PMMail/2 v. 2.10.1999