Another suggestion for next release

Steve Lamb
Thu, 30 Sep 1999 14:32:25 -0700

Thursday, September 30, 1999, 3:10:47 PM, Agents wrote:
> I beg to differ -- instead of focusing on selling copies of PMMail to people
> who are new users, B&I should emphasize current users.

    This is a self-defeating tact to take.  Focusing solely on the current
user base means you are focusing on an ever decreasing number of people.  The
current user base, without an influx of people, will always diminish for a
variety of reasons.  This means that your pool of potential revenue also
continually diminishes.

> An example would be an annual maintenance fee whereby you would
> automatically get all updates during a year, more frequent updates offering
> new benefits to users etc.

    How many will really take to being charged an annual "maintenance fee"
when currently they do not?  Furthermore, in the venue of email clients where
the two big heavyweights are given away for free, how successful do you think
such a restrictive fee will fly?

> Focusing on new customers means converting new users, a lengthy and mostly
> unsuccesful process, emphasizng current customers means you are working with
> customers who are already using PMMail, know its features and benefits
> etc.and thereore it is a shorter process.

    It is more successful than focusing on an ever decreasing user base which
is certain failure.  Also, focusing on new users doesn't mean "converting" new
users.  Each year there are more users on computers and the internet than the
year before.  That means there is a segment of users who really haven't used
anything else who may be looking around for something decent.  IE, no
converting.  However, not being on or is really
hurting that effort.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.