Have they given up?

Ralph Cohen pmmail@rpglink.com
Wed, 12 Apr 2000 23:55:05 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 13 Apr 2000 00:15:35 -0300 (ADT), Trevor Smith wrote:

>Both Jimmy and I have received and tested the email in question. Both
>of us can confirm the bug. We have reported it to the developer.

I think that it's wonderful that you and Jimmy are communicating and
that there's a developer involved!  I know that the lines of
communication within BSW have been broken for the past several months,
so hopefully this signals a renewed flow of information about the
future of PMMail.  So, as long as you three are communicating, perhaps
you can provide us with some straight answers to some simple questions.

1.  When will a timeline of fixes and enhancements be posted?

2  Are there any  plans for the release of a bug fix update to PMMail/2
*AND* PMMAIL 2000 in the next 3 months?  How about the next 6 months?

3.  Are there any plans for the release of a new enhanced version of
PMMail/2 *AND* PMMAIL 2000 this year?

Thank you in advance for your answers to the above.  I know that all of
us on this list are looking forward to seeing concrete evidence of the
support and improvements that BSW promised to bring to PMMail
last October.


Ralph Cohen
