filter question - update

Ken Diehl
Mon, 21 Aug 2000 16:11:08 -0400

Regarding the $ag.xxxx$ filter question, I have now gotten it to work. 
It appears that h.from does not work (for me at least).  What has
worked is h.fromname and h.fromid.  I suppose an or filter could be
used to catch both possibilities?  I am also wondering if one has to
use two different mindsets when use the from: and to: filters.  One is
at the mercy of the sender when using the from: filter but with the to:
filter you can change the adrress book entry to what you like and use
that in the filter?

Ken Diehl, PhD, PE
Director of Engineering Programs
211 Deloach Hall
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
601 South College Road
Wilmington, NC 28403
Voice:  (910) 962-4079
FAX:    (910) 962-4193