Happy Birthday

Simon Bowring pmmail@rpglink.com
Fri, 16 Jun 2000 15:43:55 +0100 (BST)

>I came into work today to find my office filled with black balloons and
>"The Big Five-O" plastered all about.

Hope you had a great and happy birthday (yesterday?) Steve! And I look
forward to many enjoyable and contentious arguments with you...

If it helps (and I expect it does) you come over as being a lot younger 
than Fifty! Are you really 50?! (*Much* older than me ;-) and I feel
like an old man [Actually, I feel like a young woman, but that's just 

Have a tart coming out of a cake on me (and I know I don't have to 
tell you to select a non-proportional font - how refreshing!)...

(I'm also pretty sure your list server strips attachments, but what 
the hell, you might be able to recover them...)

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(By Joan Stark :o)


-- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Listar --
-- Type: image/gif
-- File: hpybdy.gif

-- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Listar --
-- Type: application/octet-stream
-- File: Happy-Birthday.mid