PGP Encryption

Trevor Smith
Wed, 15 Mar 2000 23:16:24 -0400 (AST)

On Wed, 15 Mar 2000 09:58:09 -0500, Alan Neustadtl wrote:

>	I think what happens is that when I send a message to person X,
>if I have their public key in my keyring, pmmail automagically knows to
>use that key to encrypt the message.  I don't know what happens if I
>have multiple public keys for person X (do I get to choose?).  And,

In PMMail/2, the first key is used. You can not choose a key at this

>what happens in the sent file folder.  Is the message there encrypted
>or unencrypted?  If encrypted, can I read it?

In PMMail/2, the message is encrypted to both the recipient and
yourself. This enables you to open and read the copy in your sent
folder. If you do not have a valid private/public keypair for
yourself, you will get this message:

"No encryption keys found for:"

(with your email address not mine, of course) and you will be unable
to send the email in encrypted form.

 Trevor Smith          | Most of humanity has always been | insane, at least some of the time.    |              - Arthur C. Clarke