Brian Morrison
Wed, 04 Oct 2000 18:47:19 +0100

On Wed, 04 Oct 2000 13:29:40 -0400 (EDT), Rodney R. Korte wrote:

>Consider the request/demand that certain features be added to PMMail/2.
>Even though the cost of development is high, and it is extremely unlikely
>that BSW could recoupe its losses, some folks still think it should be
>done- hey, they'll even pitch in 10 dollars (or one hundred, doesn't
>matter.  Ever heard the phrase "drop in the bucket"?).  This just doesn't
>make good business sense.  Then there are some who preach about various
>parts of the development cycle and how it should all be done, without
>ever having experience in any part of it.

Well, I think they are duty bound to fix bugs in the existing product,
I don't want extra features added like IMAP support, but I do want the
PGP integration to work properly and have the HTML mail crashes fixed,
and the very annoying failures to fetch mail fixed. These features
should work correctly because I paid for them in the first place. The
fact that I would probably shell out some more to get them working is
me leaning over backwards to offer some incentive to get it done.

>So, although I really do think that BSW could've done a lot more
>at various points to provide information, I think the end result would
>be exactly the same.  The people and requests involve dictated it.
>It just sucks to be in the minority of those who aren't pleased.
>That's life.  Hey, at least same version of PMMail that I installed
>almost two years ago still runs just as well.

Or just as badly ;-)

We all understand that the economics of OS/2 software are poor, but
that's why PMMail 2000 was part of the package, at least there is a
chance to make something out of that. I will keep using it because
nearly all employers insist on Win9x on the desktop. If a Linux version
appears, then there is a chance for BSW to clean up even though some of
the 'everything free' brigade will complain, many more will purchase a
good mail client with excellent features even though there are free
clients out there.

Yes, there is a fair amount of crap dealt out here, but as you say the
situation was not defused when it would have been easier to do so. I'm
not happy about it, I really don't like having to complain, but mail is
a central part of my software needs and if BSW bought PMMail thinking
it was perfect and needed no work on the current version then Southsoft
managed to put one past them. I, however, don't believe that Thomas
would fall for that one ;-)

Brian Morrison                        
              do you know how far this has gone?
               just how damaged have I become?
                                      'Even Deeper' by Nine Inch Nails