Questions for PMMail Tech Support

Hazen Woods
Tue, 12 Sep 2000 19:25:21 -0500 (CDT)

On Tue, 12 Sep 2000 16:16:27 -0700, James Marshall wrote:

>>Ralph Cohen wrote:
>>>  "3) PMMail recognizes all types of messages and several
>>>  types of file attachments.  It supports both sending and
>>>  receiving messages in standard ASCII format, as well as
>>>  the newer HTML format sent by the latest email products."
>>> Since this is not currently the case for the OS/2 version, can we
>>> expect the new release for OS/2 to incorporate full HTML transparency?
>>PMMail for OS/2 was designed, on purpose, to rip html out of email.  I,
>>for one, want PMMail to continue working that way.  Email should be
>>plain text, period, except for attachments.

Until just a few weeks ago I would completely agree with your
statement.  However, I subscribe to various news reporting services. 
All of them are now or about to convert to HTML format for their daily
(or multiple emails per day) reports.  At this point I must refuse this
service which cost me access to some of the information.  It is a PITA
to have to open Netscape and run the risk of a crash to get my money's

I still think email should be plain text, but there comes a time when
one must consider whether to walk upright along with progress or to
imitate the ostrich.  If the OS/2 version doesn't incorporate HTML,
then my choices seem to be either contaminating my system with some
Windoze stuff or change to some other mail reader.  Neither of these
alternatives is attractive.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Hazen Woods
Austin, TX
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via PMMail/2 v. 2.10.2010