Arg! Killer HTML spam!

Trevor Smith
Thu, 14 Sep 2000 20:08:20 -0300

Wouldn't you know it, I turned off my killer html spam filter the
other day so I could SMTP fetch a sample killer HTML spam (in order
to bounce it to two members of this list as a test to confirm it
killed their PMMail) and I forgot to turn the filter back on. Today I
received a spam. I'm in the habit of opening all spam and instantly
deleting them so that they are marked read (too lazy to do an Alt-R).
Sigh, this spam was a killer html spam. I wasn't notified and it
wasn't auto-deleted cause my filter was off. I had to reboot. 

This was the first time I have actually been surprised/inconvenienced
by one of these devils. I had my filter in place long before I ever
really received one (not counting the samples people had sent as bug

 Trevor Smith          |
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